Christine Walevska Cello Recital in Huntington, New York


Next week, I am going to New York City to play with Madam Christine Walevska, a cello legend who made numerous concerto recordings under the Philips Label in 1970’s. It is one of the highlights of my life to have met her in 2009. I had a privilege to accompany her first in New York City, and then in Japan in the spring of 2009. After the 2009 Japan tour, the Japanese Universal Music and Tower Records released the complete recordings that she made with Philips in a 5 CD boxed set. The Japan Westminster also released the live recording of one of the recitals we played in Tokyo. She is going back to Japan again next March, and I am so lucky that I will get to play with her again. We decided to do a very very early preview concert at the Mahanaim Auditorium in Huntington, New York. I did not see her for 7 long months. I have patiently waited while she spent the winter time in Argentina.

Please find the concert information below.  Thank You Yui Kitamura, my dear friend and the director of MuSE!